Woke up dreadfully sinus-y at 6:30 A.M. but the sinuses have cleared up gradually since then thanks to two of Rucha's allergy pills and (later, around 4pm) an Allegra. Hopefully I'll make it through the night without too much congestion but we'll see...Breakfast was good, predictable.
Our schedule for today was just class and a French lesson from Christine (Our coordinator). We managed to make it through the class today (in which we covered the Song Dynasty & the Mongols; the feature presentation of tomorrow's excursion) but after class I trekked, with a group of people, to the larger supermarket (Champion) to stock up on some food. I got some salami, some fruits (deux peches et deux poires) as well as a little snack. (Cheese covered crackers?) I was so tempted to buy Nutella but I knew I should restrain myself... Anyway we got back and I prepared lunch (a classic! brie + baguette + salami = yum.) After that, I decided it'd be a good idea to take a 30 minute siesta...it turned into a 2 hour nap. (That means I missed Christine's lesson. Also I didn't pick up my €2.) I was woken up by Zak who said he was about to explore the right bank and I decided to tag along (If I hadn't I'm sure I would have kept sleeping!)

It was great. :) We stopped at the stop Chatelet-Les Halles and walked through the H&M. (Which by the way was super hot, despite today's showers / cooler weather.) Everything is "Soldes!" 50% to 70% off! It was pretty exciting. We exited the H&M and walked along the streets and found our way to the Georges Pompidou Center (definitely my favorite modern building in Paris--I LOVE IT!)

We spotted lots of small shops along the way and lots of small eateries. As we continued to wander, we came upon the Notre Dame--with no scaffolding! Looking quite clean. Notre Dame is near the part of the Latin Quarter with the good Pita Grec so we stopped by to grab some dinner, but not before walking by the Palace of Justice and some other neat buildings. Sat on a bench to devour our lovely, tasty, sinfully delectable Pita Grec. (Avec the frites inside too! Yum...)

After that we walked back to Les Halles to do some shopping at H&M before hopping on the RER-B back to CiUP. Some pretty successful exploration. I haven't got a proper cognitive map of the Right Bank in my head yet, but I'm slowly filling in the holes. I'm confident I could navigate it, I just don't know how long it'd take, as I don't know all the smaller alley ways / routes. (They all look similar thus far, no matter how I try to spot the landmarks.) Anyway demain we are going to the Asian Museum so look forward to a post and possibly some pictures from there. I'm off to finish some reading. À bientôt!
P.S. I have several bug bites. They all are quite swollen. I'm not particularly alarmed because I've had much worse cases of being mosquito bait in Taiwan. All the same, they're still slightly painful.
P.P.S. Please note that I have a link to my complete photo album on the column to the right of the blog entries. Access does require a password so make sure you read that. (I won't hold you in suspense--it's bonjour.) Very creative, I know. :)
P.P.P.S. If you read or skim this at all, leave a comment or some feedback so I know I'm not just talking to myself! Thanks.
You're not talking to yourself!!
Professor Herbst shared your blog address with the MMW staff, so yes, someone is reading your blog. And even if it wasn't being read by anyone, it will be great for when you return to the States and want to share your experiences!!
And thanks for your blog. It's my vicarious trip to Paris while I work at my desk!
Have you become acquainted with Jonah?!! He's such a great kid.
Take care,
MMW Program Coordinator
I also work with Professor Herbst at the MMW Program. Thanks for your blog. What a great adventure you're having. Now, when I read your blog, I can escape to Paris when I get stressed at work!
Take care,
MMW Program Assistant
You should practice killing those bugs. You'll become pro at it in no time. It is better than getting bitten to death.
in addition to my bug comment, I would just like to comment on how delicious those steak frites (sp?) look.
I agree Pita Grec looks really good. Somehow I miss it the last 2 times I was in Paris, have to give it a try next time...
Hope you did something about the bug bite... apply medicine and so on...
Anut Rose
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