After several hours (I think 14 hours + of travel...) running (and sweating) around the CDG airport from ridiculous Terminal 1 to Terminal 2A in search of fellow study abroaders and then waiting for em, and then being hungry and waiting in a bus then getting preliminary information then moving in then getting tours around the area then rushing off to quickly admire the Eiffel Tower then enjoy a boat ride along the Seine (a good 1/3 of which I probably missed due to a spontaneous (and wonderfully refreshing) nap.)
Unfortunately none of this (including the other various naps I had while waiting for people, on the bus, etc. did nothing to cheer me up. We had dinner at a nice place called Cafe du (de?) Commerce and were served a nice (doable) cheese/egg/bacon quiche with a tiny serving of salad, a chicken leg drizzled in barbecue sauce paired with flat noodles, and a burnt flan sort of dessert. I would describe it as an Egg Custard without the pastry surrounding. Then we trekked to the Metro and then to a nice Tram ride and now.. I'm back. I've had a shower, I can relax (I still can't figure out how to work the internet via the Ethernet cable but all is well.) With a group as large as ours, it's rather cumbersome to ride the metro. There's a lot of trodding on feet, squeezing into overflowing metro cars, and flooding the sidewalk with our blob-ness.
I didn't take many pictures today because frankly, I was exhausted. I didn't feel like being super touristy (as tempted as I was to take pictures of my food.) And when I'm exhausted, I don't really know how to handle myself too well without snapping or coming off really really cold. Essentially, the 29 other people on this trip will probably remember me as a thin lipped girl with her arms folded over her chest looking exasperated. Hopefully I will do better tomorrow with a good night's sleep and change that! I intend on sleeping soon. Class begins at 9 AM so I hope to do some reading before I fall asleep tonight.
The walk back to our room.
J'éspere que tu prennes beaucoup de photos et écrives en français!! Alors bon voyage et amuse-toi bien!
ps. Si tu n'as vu pas le film "L'auberge espagnol," regardes immediatement! C'est un bon film français.
J'ai essayé d'écrire en français, mais mon Français est très mauvais. J'espère que nommant les nourritures françaises est assez bon?!
Quand I get home I will Torrent "L'auberge espagnol." Remind me. :)
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